«The child
of 3 parent» technology
Advance technology of genetic material transfer
from patient’s to donor’s cell
from patient’s to donor’s cell
1 step
Patient’s hormonal ovarian stimulation and getting mature egg cells
2 step
Patient’s egg cells fertilization with partner’s sperm.
Egg and sperm cells’ Pronuclei fusion as a result of fertilisation.
3 step
Donor’s egg cells fertilization with the same partner’s sperm.
Donor egg and sperm cells’ Pronuclei fusion as a result of fertilization.
4 step
Removal of pronuclei with donor’s genetic material from donor’s fertilized egg cell.
Transfer of pronuclei with patient’s genetic material to empty cytoplasm of donor’s egg cell.
5 step
Cultivation of embryos containing genetic material of patient and her partner and freezing
In case when getting of mature egg cells is not possible
for the reason of poor cells quality, Fertility Centre IVMED performs the alternative technique of «Maternal spindle transfer» (MST)
for the reason of poor cells quality, Fertility Centre IVMED performs the alternative technique of «Maternal spindle transfer» (MST)
1 step
Getting patient’s egg cells (immature or poor quality)
2 step
Extraction of Maternal Spindle area (genetic material) from patient’s egg cells
3 step
Extraction and removal of Maternal Spindle area (genetic material) from donor’s egg cells
4 step
Transfer of patient’s Maternal Spindle to empty donor’s egg cell cytoplasm
5 step
Transfer of patient’s Maternal Spindle to empty donor’s egg cell cytoplasm
Advantages of PNT/ MST Methods
Giving a huge boost for embryos cleavage, getting new healthy donor's cytoplasm with correctly working organelles
Getting new donor’s mitochondria, which are the powerful course of energy inside the cell, regulation and supporting decision/cleavage process
Saving of both parent’s own DNA in embryos nuclei, baby gets only some small percentage of mitochondrial DNA from donor.
That is why the method is also known as «Child of 3 parents»
PNT/MST Success rate
/pregnancy rate/
/pregnancy rate/
Patient’s age group
30–35 years
30–35 years
ET attempt to patient
ET attempt to gestational carrier (surrogacy cycle)
Patient’s age group
36–40 years
36–40 years
ET attempt to patient
ET attempt to gestational carrier (surrogacy cycle)
Contact IVMED OVO to get more information
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